“The primary and simple role of a father is to divinely guide and direct his children to the realization and fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for their lives; this is essential to the fact that the quality of every man’s destiny is a function of the quality of divine guidance he receives. So fatherhood is about equipping the next generation first by bequeathing to them practical knowledge, morals, and ethos garnered through experience over the years;..”
▬ Pre Negotiation ▬
It is my delight on behalf of Father’s Love Forum Worldwide, to welcome you to this wonderful forum through which God has raised kingdom valuable and societal relevant men and women. This is a Forum that is armed with a reconciliation mandate that restores family relationships, realigns destinies, and ultimately brings men into God’s ever loving embrace.
It is said that everything rises or falls on leadership, but I will rather differ my opinion to the effect that everything rises or falls on fatherhood as it is the building block of society. The most consistent outcome on many counts of verified analysis and observations prove that fathers are the basement for any and every societal or National structure that must stand the test of time.
This is because by God’s design from Adam, a Nation is made up by a multiplicity of societies, a society is made up by a multiplicity of ethnic groups, an ethnic group is made up by a multiplicity of communities, a community is made up by a multiplicity of families, and at the core of the family, God ordained a male whose first responsibility is to be the progenitor and custodian of that particular bloodline.
Therefore if as a nation we have problems with drugs, unwed mothers, teenage pregnancies, corruption, violence and the likes, then in attempt to solve the problem we must go back to the foundation by operating the ‘Cause and Effect’ principle which entails that we begin our journey back through the societies and ethnic groups into the communities to find the problem, because the community’s problems affect the nation, which is a multiplicity of communities.
When we arrive at the Community, we then discover that the problems are rooted in the families that make up each community. When we check to see what the families’ problems are, we must look at marriages. When we examine the conditions of homes, we discover that husbands and wives are divorced, mothers have been abandoned, and men are failing in their primary responsibility of fatherhood and sustenance of their families. At the tail end, it all boils down to the fact that fathers are the root-cause of the problems affecting the nations!
The cause is that the foundational source has a problem; men are not being the fathers they were created to be, therefore the outcome is that the foundations are shaken and near destruction to the effect that the whole world of creation is unbalanced; because without fathers, the marriage, the family, the community, and the nation lie in shambles.
The primary and simple role of a father is to divinely guide and direct his children to the realization and fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for their lives; this is essential to the fact that the quality of every man’s destiny is a function of the quality of divine guidance he receives. So fatherhood is about equipping the next generation first by bequeathing to them practical knowledge, morals, and ethos garnered through experience over the years; and secondly by validating their identity in God through painstaking approach to nurturing them within the context of sound fatherhood principles backed up by scriptural ordinances.
However, in many homes today, fathers have compromised their relationships with their children thus leaving them to be moving at a jet speed on the wrong lane to a hopeless end. The devil also took advantage of this negligence by fathers to orchestrate a strategy of injecting viruses into the lives of the youths through the social media and modern inventions weaved around Vanity fairs or illusionary lifestyle. These drives the youths towards criminalities, domestic violence, substance abuse or other types of physical, psychological and verbal abuses. Meanwhile a research carried out on ‘increase of violence and gang activities’ showed that gangs have similar attributes of robbery, school dropouts and abuse of drugs; however, one major similarity of all their attributes is that most of them came out of fatherless homes.
To put it another way, when a father is absent in a child’s life, the children are five times most likely to abuse drugs and twenty times more likely to end up in prison. The bottom line is that if our society had the identity of real men, and fathers were doing even half of what they were supposed to do, most of the junks we see on the streets daily would not exist. The father is really the key to healing the whole society and fixing the family. A nation can be sustained, nurtured, and protected only when men assume their God ordained fatherhood positions.
It is little wonder that God’s strategy and solution to healing and restoring the earth realm is first to heal and restore family relationships by “turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers”. As captured in Malachi 4:5-6; hence the Vision of Father’s Love Forum.
I have no doubts, that as you identify with and resolve to join this Forum, the outstretched hand of God that turns things around and transforms people thereby bringing about their change of levels will be made manifest in your life (Isaiah 53:1). All that is required of you is to start obeying, applying and actively engaging every word of instruction, counsel, direction, and revelation from God through this Forum to guarantee your all round testimonies.
On this note, I welcome you with sincere warmth and overwhelming joy, and I pray that the benefits and relevance of this Forum will find full expression in all facets of your life and destiny. Please don’t hold back, I endear you to stay actively glued and tenaciously committed to this Forum in order to unlock the possibilities of your glorious future and enjoy your most assured change of levels.